Step By Step-Just Take Action
I have been longing to know where I am headed and have felt so frustrated so many times.  I felt like I needed to see where I was going, to get there.  I had little snapshots here and there of what I thought might be the right direction, but had trouble seeing how it all fit.  I could see ways these things (I felt He was bringing me to) were related but had difficulty seeing how it would all come together.

Well, I am finally beginning to realize I don’t think I am supposed to see it all yet.  I have already been given what I need but have not taken action, yet I am asking for more.

I have really struggled, thinking I need to know how it all fits before I can put it out there, before I can let others see what I am up to it needs to be “ready”.  "Ready", what does that really even mean?  Will it ever be ready to the point I feel it should be?

As I have been mulling this over and over and over.  I have also been hearing over, and over and over, during the past couple months or so, “One step at a time”, “do it step be step”, “as you take a step you will see the next step”, “you need to take action to see what’s next” and yet I have still allowed myself to STOP, become paralyzed and not move.

I know that until I move nothing can change!

As I keep my eyes on Him, the one who should be directing my path, I will by default be walking in the direction I should be headed.

One day as I spent some time reflecting on all of this and closed my eyes, I could almost see as I took one step, another step appeared but I could not see it until I took that next step.  With each step another appeared.

I spent some time looking at looking at some of the things He has revealed to me and am realizing it is time to move forward, start taking those steps and know that…”The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall,” Psalm 37:23, 24
And you can’t walk on water if you don’t get out of the boat.

Let me challenge you to take that step, whatever it might be, where you are feeling that little(or BIG) nudge.  Sure, it might be a little scary but if you don’t do it you’ll never know what it could become…

So here's one of my steps...if you are a Mom who would like to be part of a community of  Moms who want something different for their families than what we see all around you want to create a space where your kids feel safe to come to you, a home where they can discover and be who they were created to be?  If so, click the link below, we would love to see you there!


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