Darkness, Light and Flamingos...Flamingos??
The Bible talks about how the darkness cannot overcome the light.  How the light pushes back the darkness. In John 1:5.

As we look around at the world right now, it seems so dark, so dim, nothing bright to be seen.  At times it may feel the darkness is winning, it is closing in but we KNOW darkness cannot overcome the light!  All the more reason that those of us connected to the light, (He is our source) need to shine.  We need to allow Him to shine through us, to reveal truth and hope to this hurting world.  We need to remember we have truth and the light.

When I think about sitting in a dark room with no windows, all the lights off and if I were to light a single candle, how much of that darkness would be pushed back?  Just as the glow from that small flame sheds light in the darkness, so will our light as we allow Him to be seen in us, those around us will see and experience His light!  

I have seen the opposite of this recently as well, where some who I thought I trusted and admired began to show another side.  As this became more clear I chose to be much more careful and guarded in with these individuals.  I asked Him for wisdom and clarity not wanting to be unfair to them.  I believe I received the clarity I needed although I will spare the details here.  What can I do for them?  I can pray, pray that they see Him, the truth, and if I am incorrect that it would be made clear to me.

Also pray for protection for myself and those I love from these things that are not of Him, that can interfere with what He is calling us to…get us off course.  Sometimes they look good and well meaning but we need wisdom from Him to know the difference.  Pray our kids would have eyes to see clearly and separate the dark from light.

Lord, I pray, a hedge of protection around me and all those who want to make a difference in our families and to those we are in contact with. Help me to follow your lead, to not go ahead but right where you want me to be.
To hear as you whisper, nudge me in the way you want me to go, that my ears would be attuned to you and what you want to do in and through me.  I pray I would be a beacon of your light for others to see your love in me.  I thank you for your plan you have for me, my family and those I/we will minister to.

"For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Now for the Flamingos...I have had a bit of a thing with flamingos for a while now, which is a bit ironic since I am known to not be a fan of pink.  On our recent vacation I could not pass up my newest desk addition, as I was preparing this blog I had written awhile ago, to release tonight my attention kept going over to my little Flamingo and I felt I should again look up the Christian significance of Flamingos(which I had done previously as well).  Tonight this is what I found as I was typing this all out and could not help but find it interesting that I would feel so impressed upon to look at it just then...

"Hence, be a flamingo = be a flame

The flame analogy resonates with me as it reminds me of a bible passage from the Gospel of Matthew, specifically Matthew 5: 14–16. 14 You are the light of the world."

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1 Comment

  1. Excellently written Laurie! Every time we encourage someone and show them Jesus’ love, despite how they may be treating us, we are pushing back the darkness! It’s not easy to always let our light shine but if we truly love others and want to help save them from the darkness we need to be persistent in prayer that our light will always shine!

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