As I drove to the appointment that had me riddled with fear, I was already feeling much more calm,(with the help of Claudette interceding for me) I saw something I don’t know that I have ever seen before in nature. A flock of Mourning doves flew overhead then switched direction and flew back, then switched direction one more time (ahead of and above my van) 3 times in all, then flew away. There were easily twenty of them. It was a magnificent sight, I saw blue grey to white then back to blue grey. It reminded me of the grace of a school of fish changing directions together and moving in unison. I believe this was all symbolism, the Father was showing me something…
When my appointment was done I returned home and quickly jumped onto CLubhouse, as Claudette was waiting for me to start the room. We opened the room in prayer and as we began the discussion we were searching for a scripture about wells springing up(the topic for our chat). I came across Numbers 21:17 on my phone. Claudette said "let me look at that in my Life Application Bible", as she searched, I grabbed mine which “happened” to be sitting right beside me. As I read through the description of the surrounding verses my eyes jumped to the middle of the page where the title, "The Bronze Snake" was written in bold print, the story is found earlier in that chapter. My eyes welled up with tears as I read and the Lord revealed what this story meant to me in the fear I was facing today. He made it even more clear that it was okay, I just had to keep my focus on Him and He had it covered. Another reminder to me that His word is alive, as relevant to us today in all that we encounter, as it was the day it was written.
It was amazing, as we continued to dive in, He revealed more and brought me to a point of peace in this whole situation. I had been fearful of several things, one being, possible disobedience and He lifted it all from me in a few moments.
I am so grateful for godly friends who are faithful to lift us up in prayer, stand with us in difficult times and rejoice with us as truth is revealed. I am also so thankful for the signs that the Lord puts in front of us if we only take the time to see them and ask for clarity on them when needed.
This story has several layers, some of which will likely remain to be seen but for now I rejoice in this freedom! There may be more to come on this one, stay tuned...