(April 7/21) Finally got out of my own way to post my first blog
Today my son came to me and shared a bit about how a friend of his has been struggling. Struggling to feel enough. I felt my heart sinking, feeling the hurt for this young person. As he spoke it reminded me that I am moving in the right direction. I have such a heart for our kids and youth. I have struggled and still struggle at times with not feeling enough.
The Bible tells me this is a LIE. It shows me the truth about this, I AM enough, Jesus has made me enough. And again...I am brought to my office chair to look up and see it. The verse that came SO alive to me a few short months ago. The verse I have read so many times but now has a new light. It has ignited in my heart and challenged me. It is going to pull me out of my comfort zone. It already has and I know it will pull me so much further but...as I am also reminded by my amazing mentor I have purpose and if I don’t show up for them, whoever they might be, who will? How will they be served in the way only I can serve them. The message is clear I am called to be a light to those who need what I have to give. He has prepared me and is preparing me!
I recently heard a song by KB that shares this truth so well. It hits right in the heart, called Masterpiece. Today as I listened to that song, sitting in my office chair I glanced up at that slate sign above my desk. I was again reminded I am here to serve, I have come through it so I can help someone else make their way through a similar mess. I may still have a ways to go but He brought me to this place “for such a time as this”. I have been equipped to help those who come up after me, to find their way with less resistance and with hope, knowing if she can do it, so can I. Even more important “I have purpose too”. I have been created to do good works which were prepared in advance for ME . He saw me! If the creator of the universe saw me, how can I question if I am enough. If I do, I am now questioning His creation. I AM HIS(and so are you)!
Ephesians 2:10 (I have made it personal)
“For I am God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for me to do.”

As I read this, I can’t help but wonder how I can allow others to get in my head(or myself for that matter) and say(or believe) anything different.(As I type this I am literally having a struggle within (a battle today), my own words are now working in my mind as I type this to release it).
He has created me to accomplish these things He has for me to do that will affect others. He has the same for you, so let’s stop looking inward and fix our eyes outward. Who are we supposed to see? Really see? Who am I created to serve?
Who’s world might my words rock today? Who’s life might be changed because I was obedient, stepped out of the boat, stopped listening to the lie that I am not enough and looked up, looked out and released what I was supposed to share?!
Want more?
Stay tuned...this is only the beginning!
#stepoutoftheboat #masterpiece