"Does it really have to be this way?"
Was what I asked myself as tears rolled down our cheeks almost every homework session.
I was an overwhelmed Mom, working a stressful career with my children in the public school system. My son struggled in school and despite the efforts of the school, he often became very frustrated and tearful when attempting to complete homework as early as Grade 1 or 2. Many tears were shed at the kitchen table by him and I.
We were not certain whether these difficulties were because he was one of the youngest boys in his class or something deeper. We knew by Grade 3 if things did not improve, we would have to find help. He was a very hard worker but clearly had difficulty focusing.
As a Mom I felt so overwhelmed and not good enough to help my sweet boy. Until, we were blessed with the most amazing, invested Grade 3 teacher, who immediately took interest in the situation. She told us she was certain from her experience it was not a behavioral issue he was dealing with. She helped us find the help and resources to improve his quality of life in education, not by fixing symptoms but by getting to the root of the problem!
Tears were turned into triumph and he graduated from Grade 8 with honors and is continuing to thrive in High School.
I feel so fulfilled as a Mom knowing I helped him where I could and this will translate into his life going forward as well. Now, my focus is also on helping my kids see what they were created for.
My passion is to help women who are overwhelmed with trying to work and help their children through these struggles. As well as finding their child’s sweet spot, where they will flourish.
I also desire to help those who want freedom from stress of the daily grind but looking for financial freedom to travel and enjoy family.
Come be part of our group of Moms who’s burning desire is to see their children become who they were created to be with less strife and overwhelm. New friendships and support await. Can’t wait to meet you! It’s free!
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